Fun Facts

Did You Know??


Friends has served the community since 1976.


Friends book sales began in the Old Dome site, the Alan B. Shepard Convention Center, on 19th & Pacific Avenue over 40 years ago. Yes, it was named after Astronaut Alan Shepard.


Friends has raised over $2 Million since 2006.


In a typical year, Friends funding provides about 2000 programs

for all ages.




Friends and Library Staff sort 90,000 to 100,000 books each year to raise funds for programs.


A Friends Book Nook Shop can be found in each branch library.


Friends’ programs reach into the community beyond library facilities.





Friends’ programs reach into the community beyond library facilities.


Friends is an All-Volunteer 501(c)(3) organization.


Thank you for your support.

Reading is the Gift of a Lifetime.